
01 May 2006

Arrving in Phnom Penh

Just a quick word to kick things off. We have arrived in Cambodia. Our bags have not, despite assurances from the girl at the transfer desk in Kuala Lumpur that they would. That was yesterday. The guy at the airport reckons they'll be in by tomorrow. *sigh*

At the moment we're smelly but happy. Phnom Penh is a lovely city. It's pretty clean and not as poor as I was led to believe. The buildings are painted in the same colour as they pave the streets - all light yellow and dark pink.

The major feature is the motorbikes. Loads and loads and loads. Most of them taxis, it seems. Haven't got one yet, since I'm travelling with Deirdre and she prefers the tuk-tuks. But we have to go to the airport tomorrow, to pick up our bags, and it'll be costly enough to get back from, so I'm thinking of heading out on a bike. They're scary though. The crossroads seem to have only one rule - survival of the fittest. Trucks have right of way over cars, cars over tuk-tuks, and tuk-tuks over motorbikes, which have to weave their way through carefully, although they make up more than 90% the traffic.

I hope to write more extensively later. In the mean time, feel free to leave comments.

And keep in touch.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please sir, Dr Gilbert Jnr sir, what is a tuc-tuc?

7:09 a.m.  
Blogger Toby said...

It's vehicle that, in Cambodia at lesat, consists of a motorbike with a makeshift trailer that has an awning over the top. They make inexpensive taxis that are good for short distances.

6:59 p.m.  

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