On arrival...

You will be thrilled to know that my two friends and I landed safely in Kolkata (Calcutta) yesterday. Having been warned that we would be completely mobbed at the airport, the lack of attention was a little bit of a let down.
The fun to be had in a taxi, however, was no exaggeration, and we feared for our very existence as we weaved in and out of the other cars and buses. They, of course, were doing likewise, so the result seemed like total chaos, but they seem to be making a living out of it, so we got a taxi to the hospital this morning for the laugh.
We rented a room at the Hilton... sorry, I mean Shilton Hotel. There is also a Hilson is a few doors down. But hey, what's one more scam? Our room is simple enough, but the (cold) shower works, we have a television and we have three (rock hard) beds - all for the princely sum of 7.84 euro per

After a brief kip, we went for a small wander around. Over 13 million people in this city and I think half of them tried to sell me a belt. Or wallet. Or shirt. Or the most random pieces of junk. Place your orders now folks.
Every guide book and website on this city tells of how we have all been brain-washed by Mother Teresa's propaganda, and that the poverty in Kolkata is not as bad as we in the West think it is.
Yeah right.
There are simply people everywhere. EVERYWHERE. It's just people and people and people. And taxis. But mostly people.

I suppose I should say somehing about the food. Errr.... It's really cheap and, due to my insatiable appetite (for adventure) I never have a clue what I'm ordering, but it's all been good so far and none of us have the runs. Yet. Although, we have taken bets on who will be first to fall.
So, it's monsoon season. The weather has been a bit Irish (except that I hear it was a sunny 28 degrees in Ireland, so maybe not), except that it's damn warm and I have never experienced such humidity. A sweaty beast at the best of times, I now spend the day bathing in my own bodily secretions. Pleasant.
I think that's all my news from the last 36 hours. We are out of here in four weeks. Barbs is going home while Becky and I head off on our travels, flying out of Mumbai (Bombay) at the beginning of September.
I hope to write again soon,